
fredag den 5. november 2010

When you say i then i say Pod!

good evening everyone! going to pick up my new ipod from the insurance at humac's tomorrow! i am going to get a new one AND my cover and screen protectors have also arrived from liverpool, so there is gonna be an unboxing/unpacking! so wish me luck. also there is gonna be a review of the vado hd, and the compaq mini 110
AND there is also gonna be an mac os x install on it. so please wish me luck!

New intro in progress

hey everyone! new intro comming up. the intro is gonna be representing the meaning of ulikazutv namely AN INFORMATION SOURCE THAT IS PROPPER FOR EVERYONE! allright so for that i have to be making a contest on which music track i will be using for my intro and as an reward for the winner that i hand pick he/she will be getting a prize. thats right there is gonna be a give-away!

so the intro preview without sound will show up on the blog in about 3 weeks to a month so stay tuned and remember to check when it comes in order to get the prize!

happy weekend!

onsdag den 3. november 2010

News Flash: New unboxings and DX tats!

Hey everybody, this weeks news flash is about the new unboxing coming up on several stuff that i have ordered from DX(Deal Extreme). incase you dont know then dealextreme is just a website where you can get almost everyting for a few cents/dollars and its free shipping BUT it takes up to 3 weeks for your stuff to arrive.

frankly, i am very cheap and pore so i only ordered stuff for 2 dollars or so and i did it just only for you guys. Also me and the 2 boys from denmark whom have made a software website where they make theire own software and post it up for download, have made an alliance. we co'opperate and this is gonna be a win-win situation. i am going to make a review once a week of their software (which i am gonna be making a pole on what day it should be) and they promote me on their site.

so theese are the stuff i am gonna order from DX:



and many more to come!